マダガスカル旅行記2ーものを運ぶにはーMadagascar Travels Carrying Stuff


I actually saw people carrying stuff on their heads for the first time in Madagascar.
They put a cloth, towel, or sweater (anything made of cloth will be OK) that was previously made into a circle on their head. Then, they put stuff on it. They can put Baskets, buckets or anything on their heads. They could keep it balanced with the cloth as stability. Their arms were free from the stuff and the stuff never fell.
It seemed that there was a knack to keeping the balance which was that they had to have good posture. All of them walked fast with their stuff. This illustration shows Antandroy women (Antandroy is one of the 18 tribes in Madagascar). They were carrying milk bottles and vegetables in the basket. They were going to a market to sell them. Their clothes were old. However, the colors and the design of the clothes were very vivid and the coordination was classy. Moreover, they were very cheerful. I heard that the shortage of schools and hospitals is a big problem in the local area of Madagascar. It's serious problem we can't overlook. Anyway, they were very pretty.